New Starter Trial Quiz



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I am on 7 good quality sales and it’s 5:25pm. The centre’s traffic is really slowing down.  Today there is a cash bonus for $200 if I hit 8 sales. My ride to get me home is leaving, so I  don’t know how I will get home. What’s the best way for me to hit my 8 sales and get a  bonus?  

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It’s 8:15am. The morning meeting has finished. I am working at the Logan Hyperdome today  with my good friend on the team and we are driving together. The map says we will make it  by 9:00am, but my friend and I usually get a coffee on the way to site. The best decision is:

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I’ve stopped a middle-aged mother and her 22-year old daughter in the centre and given an  amazing pitch. The mother and daughter both work full time jobs and they make a lot of  money. The mother doesn’t have a card on her, but she wants to support. Her daughter really wants to support and does have her card on her. 

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Which answer below is a good line to use in my pitch?

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Which answer below is a good line to use in my pitch? 

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How am I paid? 

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What best describes First Purpose’s mentality towards sales? 

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I’ve just signed someone up. I’ve thought over the sign up and I never told the customer it  was monthly.

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I just hit 50 sales for the week. I feel so confident that this week I will get 0 cancels. There is  a bonus if I hit 55 sales for the week. Even if I get 5 more sales that all cancel, and none of  my other sales cancel I will have 91% success rate off the first debit. 

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What is an IFD?

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It’s Friday. We have a team bonus for dinner and drinks! We need 150 sales to hit our target.  It’s 10:00am and someone on the team just scored our 150th sale! A friend of mine on the  team just called me and said let’s leave work early and have some pre-drinks before dinner.

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I have reached the payment page of the signup form. The customer’s card expires too soon,  and so the Waysact system says the card must have a later expiry date. I should:

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The Waysact/Evergiving system is:

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Pressing the “Send SMS” button is useful because:

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What should I do if and IFD fails? 

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How many sales in a day is “Red Zone”? 

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How many sales in a day is “Blue Zone”? 

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How many sales in a day is “Green Zone”?

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What’s the best way to see if my quality is good?

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 Please complete the sentences:

I did 20 IFD sales this week and 1 cancelled on the phone. One month later, 2 sales failed to make the next  successful debit. My success rate on the phone verification calls is _____%. My overall success rate for  those 20 sales to make the first schedule debit is _____%.  

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What is a test and measure card? 

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Why are IFDs useful? 

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 I have stopped and pitched someone, and they want to sign up. They are a good age (45) and  they love the charity. They want to give $49 a month. They said they can definitely afford it  because they get $472.15 a week from the disability pension, plus they just cancelled  another charity after 4 months and wanted to do a new one.  

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There is someone working in a retail store near my charity booth. I am pretty sure we find  each other attractive. The person I am working with says it is cool if I approach them.

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I am signing someone up. They have everything they need to sign up except their phone  number. They said that they have had the phone number for years but cannot remember it. I  want to finish the sale so I should: 

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Choose the BEST answer to this question: What should I always bring to site? 

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Someone I am working with has just signed up an underage donor. I should:

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Someone I am working with has just forged a donor’s signature. I should:

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It’s mid-week and I have work tomorrow. People from work are partying tonight and there’s  talk they’re getting super crazy till the sun comes up. I have been invited. I should:

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It is the end of my shift and I have missed my target. A few people from work are meeting up  at a local pub to get a drink and some dinner. It would be acceptable if I:

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I am working with someone and we are tied in sales. We have made a playful wager that the  next person to get a sale owes the other a fruit smoothie. The person I am working with has  stopped, pitched and is signing someone up. They are about to win! I should:

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At First Purpose a clawback is defined as:

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In the fundraising industry the word “attrition” is defined as:

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What age range represents an ideal average age for most charities? 

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At First Purpose who pays for attrition? 

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What type of clothing should I NOT wear to work? 

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I am working with someone that is really distracting. They are on social media, they are  leaving the booth every 10 minutes for a “smart break”, they keep trying to talk to me while I  am trying to work. In this case I should:  

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I have tried to encourage the person I am working with to focus and get engaged. They have  not responded well to this and their mentality and behaviour is actually limiting my chances  of having a successful day. I feel unsure how to further address them, because I am not his  or her trainer / team leader. I should: 

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